Strong loop for double-line leader and loop-to-loop join.
Australian Braid Knot
Strong loop for double-line leader and loop-to-loop join.

To Step use Arrow Keys (). Set Speed using 1 – 5.
Uses: The Australian Braid (or Plait) is an alternative to the Bimini Twist and creates a strong loop for use as a double-line leader on the end of a fishing line which can then be used for a loop-to-loop connection.
Tying it: The animation demonstrates the technique but, for photography, only shows a small number of braids. In practice the Australian Braid requires a lengthy braid to work well.
Line in lbs | Braid in inches |
Up to 6 | 1″ |
8-12 | 2″ |
16-20 | 3″ |
30 | 6″ |
50 and up | 8″ |
Recommendations: The values in the table are based on recommendations from Leadertec and shows the recommended length of braid for different fishing lines.
Techniques: An additional safeguard to prevent unraveling is provided by a spot of rubber glue over the trimmed tag end.
Advantages: The Australian Braid transfers the strain gradually to the knot over a considerable length. Although it is not nearly so well known as the Bimini Twist, its supporters claim it is easier to learn and quicker to tie. It also presents the smallest diameter. If needed, please review our animated, step-by-step tutorial for braids.
Breaking Strain: The Australian Braid (or Plait), like the Bimini Twist, is claimed to preserve 100% of the line’s breaking strain. However, these remarkable results are obtained in the laboratory and may also be obtained under ideal conditions – cooled, wet, and without too great a shock loading. I have not found reports of careful laboratory testing for the Australian Braid – and results in use almost certainly vary. Sudden jerks generate heat due to friction and are more likely to cause failure at lower breaking strains.