Starts a Back Splice; part of several decorative knots.
Crown Knot
Starts a Back Splice; part of several decorative knots.

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Uses: The Crown Knot (ABOK # 670, p 116.) is the critical first part of a Back Splice. When the end of a three-stranded rope starts to fray, a crown should be tied immediately with a back splice to follow. This protects the rope until the Back Splice can be replaced with a whipping.
Other uses. The Crown Knot is also an essential component of several decorative knots including the Wall and Crown (Manrope Knot) and the Crown Sinnet
Relationship to the Wall: The Wall and the Crown are very closely related. They are only different due to how they are tied with respect to the rope’s end. The crown directs the strands back down towards the standing end, and the wall directs the strands away from the standing end. The structure of the two knots is in fact identical: if the three strands are relaid to continue the rope beyond the knot – there is no way to distinguish a Crown Knot from a Wall Knot.