Arborist's method of pulling one rope aloft using another.
Quick Hitch
Arborist's method of pulling one rope aloft using another.

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Make a bight in the main climbing rope. Hook the second rope around the bight and tuck it into the bight but leave the end out. Pull the main rope up to obtain the second rope - quickly released by pulling on the end.
Uses: The Quick Hitch provides a convenient method for an arborist to pull up a second rope. It is quick to tie, and just as important, quick to release. There is probably no other application for this knot, but it serves this purpose excellently.
Name: Quick to tie, and quick to release, what other name could it have?
Origin: Jepson1 writes that The Quick Hitch was first described in the September 1996 issue of the Treeworker (National Arborist Association) but without any reliable reference to its true origin. Its simplicity suggests that more than one person could easily have been originated it.
1. The Tree Climber’s Companion. Jeff Jepson. Beaver Tree Publishing. 2000.