Demonstrates three-stranded braiding using a single rope.
Single Rope Braid
Demonstrates three-stranded braiding using a single rope.

To Step use Arrow Keys (). Set Speed using 1 – 5.
A Single Rope Braid: Braiding (plaiting) several strands is often learned in childhood as a way of controlling long hair. This animation demonstrates how to make a Single Rope Braid using a single piece of rope.
Methods: The animation shows the Single Rope Braid being tied with the rope’s end being threaded through the loop. In practice braiding is made in the usual way. The strands are manipulated close against the braid ignoring the fact that the end and the loop are getting tangled. Then after adding several braids, the end is pulled clear of the loop.
Application: Tightly tied, the Single Rope Braid can be used to enlarge the end of a pull-cord, e.g., for a light switch. However, it consumes some cord which may have been previously cut the correct length.