Used to secure an animal or an item to a ring, bar or pole.
Two Half Hitches
Used to secure an animal or an item to a ring, bar or pole.

To Step use Arrow Keys (). Set Speed using 1 – 5.
Origin: Two Half Hitches are mentioned by Ashley many times but only described in detail once (ABOK # 1781, p 301). He notes: “An expeditious way in which to tie the knot to a post is to first form a loose Granny Knot, leaving a long end. As the ship swings she will take up the slack and the Granny will capsize into Two Half Hitches.”
Comparison: Two Half Hitches are widely used in many circumstances to tie a rope to a post or ring. However, the Round Turn and Two Half Hitches is more secure and has the huge advantage that the “Round Turn” takes the load well with one hand while the knot is completed with the other.
Two or More Half Hitches. The two Half Hitches actually form a clove hitch round the standing end. However, it is common to see an additional one, or more Half Hitches – either to make the knot more secure or to use up excess line.
Direction: Always tie the Half Hitches in the same “direction”. If you start the first Half Hitch with the tail passing away from you above the rope, then do the same with the next (and the next).
Variation Using a Bight: When there is a long tail, the Two Half Hitches can be tied using a bight instead of the end. This consumes excess rope which may otherwise hang in the way or require coiling.